Imported food Controls for high risk foods of non-animal origin

Certain imported high risk foods of non-animal origin (HRFNAO) are subject to increased official controls and emergency measures.

High risk foods of non-animal origin include any food or feed that is not covered by veterinary checks. 

Products that originate from a third country must meet the required standard to be allowed into GB and must be imported at a designated border control post

Information on these products, country of origin and frequency of checks can be found in Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/1793 (as amended).

What documents do I need?

High risk foods must be presented at a designated border control post and prior notification must be made to the authority using a CHED-D submitted via IPAFFS. 

Other documents that will be required include:

How to raise and submit a CHED-D

CHED-D’s must be submitted to the border control post via IPAFFS.

How do I upload the supporting documents?

All supporting documentation, such as a health certificate and commercial documentation, should be uploaded onto the IPAFFS entry for the CHEDD-D using the secure link below.

In some instances, our officers may need further information when corresponding with our agents. If we ask for you for additional documentation, please upload it using the link below.

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Amendments to HRFNAO controls

Published: 13th February 2024

The amendments to 2019/1793 will come into force 7 March 2024, which seeks to control high-risk food and food not of animal origin (HRFNAO) imported into Great Britain.