EU Exit

New import controls now Live


What changes have been implemented?

How to comply with changes that are now in place:  

1.Register for IPAFFS online on GOV UK if you haven’t already done so. The person or business completing the CHED Part 1 import notification must have a UK address to register for IPAFFS. 

2. Know your risk category – use the online guidance to find the risk category of your commodity  

3. Ensure that your EU supply chain are providing you with health certificates and/or phytosanitary certificates – find out more here.  

4. From today, GB authorities encourage the use of a digitally signed and verifiable GB export health certificate (EHC) in place of the paper version of the certificate for live animals and POAO imports from EU and EFTA countries where the PDF health certificate can be electronically verified. We will accept verifiable PDF certificates from TRACES and other EU/EFTA MS systems listed on GOV UK. You can still use a paper GB health certificate. 

5. Correctly submit your import notification in IPAFFS:  

6. Read our introductory information leaflets for businesses on health certificates and import notifications.  

7. Please click here to practice making CHED import notifications in the IPAFFS training environment. 

BTOM SPS Q&A Published  

To further support traders in preparing for BTOM SPS changes, a commonly asked Questions and Answers (Q&A) document has been published. See here.

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