EU Exit Implementation

Starting January 31, 2024, a streamlined export health certificate and phytosanitary certificates will be implemented for medium-risk animal products and phytosanitary goods imported from the EU. Simultaneously, the UK will initiate sample documentary checks on medium-risk goods from the EU. It is important to note that, initially, there will be no introduction of new routine controls at the border for these goods, resulting in no charges for documentary checks or holds for inspection.

On the same date, a new protocol will be enacted, requiring pre-notification for EU Sanitary and Phytosanitary goods entering Great Britain through West Coast ports. This regulatory adjustment is part of an ongoing effort to ensure compliance with standards while facilitating the importation of goods into Great Britain from the EU.

Applicable to:      EU Low Risk

Milestone:           31st Jan 2024

Requirements:  - Prenotification of consignment made, no later than 24 hours, via the IPAFFS system.

                                - If applicable, IUU certificates attached to IPAFFS

                                - Supporting commercial document attached to IPAFFS

Applicable to:      EU Medium Risk

Milestone:           31st Jan 2024

Requirements: - Prenotification of consignment made, no later than 24 hours, via the IPAFFS system.

                                - PDF versions of digitally signed Export Health Certificates to be attached to IPAFFS

                                - If applicable, IUU certificates attached to IPAFFS

                                - Supporting commercial document attached to IPAFFS

Further information will be provided on the Island of Ireland products in the coming weeks.

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